Color synesthesia

One of the first few projects that we did at illume was explore the way Indians think about color to arrive at color codes that wereuniquely Indian (unlike the ones you find documented that have a western bias)

Our journey took us to Benares, Chennai, Delhi, Jodhpur, Kolkata, Mumbai and Pune 

We tried asking regular (who are not explicitly gifted to think about colors in a multi-sensory way) consumers about how their mind imagines certain colors and the conversations we heard were fascinating.

Here are a couple of excerpts for your sensory delight.

Pale yellow: emotional association: escape

Color Visualisation
It has a little yellow tinge to it, but we cannot say pale yellow, it is white. It has some lines connecting to different lines. These are unstructured. Like shattered glass. A pattern that creates a visual trance

The color sensorials
This has yellow ray, ray of sun and a little orange mix. It smells like coco. Has sweetness to it, not like sugar. It is very smooth, very plain. It is like plain slate of infinite length and infinite breadth. A hint of sweetness in the fragrance and taste. Not overpowering

The emotions
Loosing oneself in this landscape. Being aware of the outside world but not bothered by it

The pay off
Cutting off from the mundane life effortlessly. Slipping into a different zone

Yellow: emotional association: Bonding / happy memories

Color Visualization
Reminds me of smileys. The translucent honey wax color. Translucent since you can see through the color and it takes you back to your memories

The color sensorials
It is very sticky. If it comes to our hand it remains back. It won’t leave. It is shapeless. Its like honey wax. It gives sweetness but not that sweet. It is like, grapes outer thing in which the inner part will be sour but the outer layer will be sweet. I guess maybe because sometimes some happy memories would have lead to some problems. It has a happy drum like sound. It feels like spring season

The emotions
Happy times, teasing, creating a feel good factor, camaraderie, energy, play

The pay off
A trip down memory lane; a memory maker

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